Philippine Defense Forum Website

Since 2016, the original Timawa forum owned by Opus shut down unceremoniously, bringing along all the years of information about the Philippine military since its inception at the beginning of the 21st century, especially during the time when social media was in its infancy.

During this time, another page that is said to be Timawa forum's replacement appeared, coming with the name of "Defense of the Republic of the Philippines", administered by one of Timawa's former moderators. 

Their focus is on rebuilding the posting culture that was lost in the former Timawa forum, and to act as the replacement of the said forum, as they rebuild the 'community-driven island of sanity' which defines Timawa as an avenue of intellectual exchange of information.

This forum will not serve as a replacement of the renowned Timawa forum, but will continue the culture that it shares between the Philippines' known defense community. Any topic that will publish there will start from scratch and they will not port discussions from the old forum like what the replacement defense forum tried to achieve.

Like the replacement forum, the team that will overlook the operations of this forum will be composed of several veteran Timawa members of recent years before its demise, along with people that administer FB pages like the DND/AFP Modernization Updates and Review.

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Logo intended for the forum website.




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